About Us

From the Director’s Diary

I started my career in Accounting in 2007 after graduating from Queen Mary, University of London in Economics & Finance. After working for various large and multinational organisations such as Johnson & Johnson, Nationwide Building Society and Kingston Technology etc, I gained valuable experience while also qualifying as a Chartered Certified Accountant. Having achieved over 10 years’ experience in Accounting and Taxation while working on various successful projects, improving systems and processes as well as training and mentoring junior staff members, I decided to start Premium Accountants Ltd with the aim of offering a comprehensive range of Accounting and Taxation Services to small and medium sized business owners.


Accountants & Tax Advisers

We are a firm of qualified and experienced accountants specializing in providing Accounting and Taxation services to new and established businesses.

Our Approach

We pride ourselves on the fact that our business is built on client referrals. We feel there is no better compliment than to have our existing clients recommending us. We have a 99% retention rate which shows we must be doing the right things for our clients!

Switching to Premium Accountants Ltd is simple!

Meet with us (free of charge) to see how a relationship with us will benefit you and your businesses; and if you like our proposal:

1) Let us know.

2) Inform your current Accountant you intend to move and give authorisation for them to respond to us.

3) We will arrange the handover of your accounts and once received we can act on your behalf.